
The ASEE Engineering Leadership Development Division values collaboration within and outside of the division.  Initiatives continue in connecting with existing Engineering Leadership Development activities at member and non-member institutions as well as with other ASEE divisions, such as the Engineering Management and Engineering Ethics Divisions.  Collaboration with other Engineering Leadership Development activities that may overlap with LEAD or exist outside of the LEAD umbrella is also being fostered.

As noted on the home page–

Presently, the division is continuing its social media initiative to promote stronger community connections.  The primary ‘doorway’ for this initiative is LEAD’s LinkedIn group.  Please come and find us there for engineering leadership resources and informal virtual meetings.

UPCOMING (2/7): ASEE LEAD book club:

For our upcoming book club, we will be exploring the history of engineering leadership programs:

The history of engineering leadership development in academia: Influences, influencers, and a general roadmap, By Handley, Lang, Mitten, Ragonese

As before, we will meet on Friday (2/7 this week), from 3-4 CST. See the ‘Overview’ section (below) for further details.  Please reach out to Brett Tallman if you have any questions (bretttallman@hotmail.com).

1/24– We explored the topic of the first chapter: engineering ethics.  From there, we talked about the role of engineering in society and a little bit about race in society.


Do you want to connect with other engineering leadership scholars and dig into core ideas together? Bring your inner nerd (or outer nerd—most of us, after all, are in academia), and explore leadership papers together; join us for our bi-weekly LEAD book club. We will convene Friday, January 24th, from 3-4 CST (4-5 EST, 1-2 PST), on zoom via this link: https://tcu.zoom.us/j/6899050111?omn=96841497409. Subsequent meetings will be held bi-weekly, and modified based on interest.

For the first week, we will discuss the first chapter: Motivating the need for an engineering-specific approach to student leadership development (New Directions of Student Leadership, 2022, Issue 173).  You may need to talk with your library about getting the article.

We will be exploring the 12-article collection on engineering leadership in New Directions of Student Leadership (2022). The ambition is to provide space to explore current scholarship of important topics in the engineering leadership field. It is hoped that this will provide a rich environment for eager scholarly discussion, even-handed critique, integration of seminal theories outside the field, and creative exploration of new ideas.

This is a smaller and more scholarly oriented gathering than the Leadership Lounge (of course, you are welcome to both), outlined below. 

The following article may be used to ‘map’ the 12-article collection: Kendall, M. R., Chachra, D., Gipson, K., & Roach, K. (2022). Motivating the need for an engineering-specific approach to student leadership development. In M. R. Kendall & C. Rottmann (Eds.). New Directions for Student Leadership: No. 173. Student leadership development in engineering (pp. 13–21). Wiley. https://doi.org/10.1002/yd.20475 

Upcoming in December: Leadership Lounge

The always-popular Leadership Lounges are on the way and the first one is on the calendar. 

Join us in December to discuss character & leadership presence. This is a great opportunity to meet with scholars and educators across the globe to talk about relevant issues in the field of engineering leadership. We’ll enjoy a guest presentation, with opportunity for engagement and connection with engineering leadership peers. This is a larger and more practically-oriented gathering than the book club (of course, you are welcome to both). 

A Conversation with Dr. Peter Kilner Sponsored by the ASEE LEAD Division Save the Date: Join us for a conversation with Dr. Kilner, the former Hottell ‘64 Chair for Character at West Point, around the topics of character & leadership presence When: Monday, 2 December 2024, from 1200-1pm.  See the brochure: ASEE_LEAD_Division_Lead_Lounge_2Dec2024

The registration link for the Dec 2nd event: https://bit.ly/decaseeleadlounge


Other engagement examples include:

  • COMPLETE (Community of Practice for Leadership Education for 21st Century Engineers) and its membership consisting of representatives of over 15 universities. More info about past meetings is available below.
  • An incipient effort to join together engineering leadership activities within major conferences, such as the B1G, SEC, ACC, and PAC12.


2015 COMPLETE Meeting

The Fall 2015 COMPLETE meeting took place at Penn State University, University Park, PA on Nov 9-10th, 2015.   This was the 20th anniversary of the Engineering Leadership Development program at Penn State (the oldest such university-based program in the country), and returned the COMPLETE team to the site of their first meeting as a group in 2007.

There were 24 people in attendance, including representatives from The University of Texas at El Paso, Western University, United State Naval Academy, Iowa State University, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Flordia, University of Toronto, Brigham Young University, James Madison University, Northeastern University, MIT, Northwestern University, University of California- San Diego, Tufts University, Colorado School of Mines, and Penn State University.

The focus of the meeting was to identify areas where collaborative research on Engineering Leadership Development could be pursued.  Input was obtained via surveys and interviews of university-based engineering leadership initiatives, an industry panel discussion, and breakout group discussions.

Photos 2015

The 2014 COMPLETE Conference
held on March 21-22, 2014 at Rice University consisted of a two-day program which explored the current state of engineering leadership, and best practices in professional development for engineers within the first five years of their careers.  Through engaging keynotes, panel discussions, interactive workshops and networking opportunities, participants underwent a unique and rewarding professional development experience.

Find out more information at the links below:

See an article about the 2014 COMPLETE Conference by David Niño, Rice University Professor in the Practice of Engineering Leadership.

Read highlights of the address by National Academy of Engineering (NAE) President Dan Mote at the 2014 COMPLETE Conference.

Photos 2014