
Presently, the division is kicking off a social media initiative to promote stronger community connections.  The primary ‘doorway’ for this initiative is LEAD’s LinkedIn group.  Please come and find us there for engineering leadership resources and informal virtual meetings.  Through this, we hope to cultivate closer professional connections within this community of practice of engineering leadership scholars, researchers, administrators and practitioners.  We look forward to seeing where this initiative leads, as we explore engineering leadership together.  Please reach out and find us for more on engineering leadership.

We are presently hosting “Leadership Lounges” to provide a space for open discussion of engineering leadership as scholars and educators.  More information may be found in our newsletter.  Wondering what its like? Check out this summary from our 2022 spring meeting on research in engineering leadership.

Upcoming Leadership Lounge, 1/12/23:

Please join us on January 12th 3 – 4pm EST for our Leader Lounge, where we will talk about assessment.  Brett Tallman and Kenneth Lamb will facilitate discussion based on questions like: What are our objectives in our engineering leadership programs? How are we currently assessing leadership development and growth? What are simple ways to improve our assessment of leadership?  These are questions we hope to explore in this forum.  We’ll be using two articles to inform our discussion: Brown and Varghese, 2019 (Holding Higher Education to Account), and Novoselich and Knight, 2022 (Measuring a Moving Target).


Please join us!

[please note that advance sign-up is helpful, but outdated- please be patient until we fix it]